You will now be able to book your dog for 100% cage free overnight stays! Your dog will be able to sleep in bed with a staff member right here on our property. This is a premium service that you will ONLY find at The Playpen!!
We now have a dedicated Penthouse building with beds for our staff and your dog while your dog stays overnight with a member of our team. We are calling it the PENTHOUSE suite with overnight concierge as your dog's needs will be met even after hours! This is a fantastic alternative for those super nervous dogs who require constant reassurance or simply for your own piece of mind!
Your dogs will stay the day in our cage free daycare with access to our great outdoor play yard. Then when the business closes at 7pm your dogs will be transported to their very own private suite and yard, with a staff member dedicated just to them for the rest of the evening. This staff member will sleep in bed with your dogs overnight and then return them to the daycare at 7am.
Playpen Pet Boarding & Grooming
1545 Industrial Road F1
Cranbrook, BC V1C 6P3
Mon - Fri
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sat - Sun/Holidays
9:00 am - 6:00 pm